Unlocking Potential: Types of Therapies for Students with Disabilities in Central New York

Students with disabilities in Central New York have access to a range of therapies to help them reach their full potential. From special education supports to assistive technology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy, there are many options a

Unlocking Potential: Types of Therapies for Students with Disabilities in Central New York

Students with disabilities in Central New York have access to a range of therapies to help them reach their full potential. From special education supports to assistive technology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy, there are many options available to those who need them. The Aspire Center for Learning provides educational services for people with special needs to students throughout Western New York. These services include early intervention, preschool education, school age, and summer work skills.

Additionally, Aspire offers evaluations for children with special needs in areas such as education, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy and more. Speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are all examples of related services that may be offered to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or Individualized Educational Services Programs (IESP). The order in which these services are provided is known as the “cascade” and is designed to ensure that they are delivered on time. IEPs can recommend related services in the classroom, where related service providers can work with teachers, paraprofessionals, and other adults to support students; or they can recommend related services elsewhere in the school. At the Aspire Center for Learning, we understand that each student's needs are unique. We strive to provide personalized therapies that meet the individual needs of each student.

Our team of experienced professionals works closely with families and educators to develop an individualized plan that will help the student reach their full potential. We offer a variety of therapies including cognitive behavioral therapy, sensory integration therapy, social skills training, and more. We also provide support for families through parent education classes and workshops. At Aspire Center for Learning, we believe that all students should have access to the therapies they need to reach their full potential. We strive to provide comprehensive services that meet the individual needs of each student.

Our team of experienced professionals works closely with families and educators to develop an individualized plan that will help the student reach their full potential.

Adam Tonkin
Adam Tonkin

Typical zombie fanatic. Professional internet aficionado. Hipster-friendly food evangelist. Friendly tv buff. Hardcore bacon specialist.